Turn Your Cell Phones On!
TURN YOUR CELL PHONE ON! And keep it on.This
program features audience participation and tons of valuable information
about the most important
social tool yet invented. The audience will come away thoroughly
entertained, but also with a new appreciation of the cell phone,
its revolutionary technology, social implications, and global impact.
Games and contests that use your cell phone pack the event. They
are fun, funny, and learning packed—including:
Cell Phone Heaven (where everyone calls someone else in the auditorium);
Cell Phone Bedlam (where everyone’s cell phone rings at the same
time—and no one answers—sometimes called Hell Phone);
Cell Phone Mystery Caller (where you call your neighbor’s best
friend); and the crowd pleaser,
Cell Phone Public Exposure (where the unplanned phone call you receive
from Mom is put on the house speaker and we all listen in).
Other favorites include the numerous Cell Phone Contests where audience
names and cell phone numbers are pulled from a bowl and winners get packets
of iTunes, the Cell Phone Photo Contest, and Cell Phone Treasure Hunt.
And then there is the
Cell Phone White House call . . .
For more information and booking:
or call toll free 1-866-820-8133