FunStuff . . .
This part of the BigPictureSmallWorld web site contains information
intended to provide you with perspective, tools and a means for obtaining
BigPictureSmallWorld products.
- BigBuys takes you to our online
store where you can order our movies, poster, books, and Do-It-Yourself
Assembly program.
- BigGames takes you to awesome
games that exist in cyberspace.
- BigTime takes you through
a compressed view of history.
- BigQuestions are just
- BigLinks connect you to great
places on the Internet.
- BigNumbers give you the
BigPicture of our SmallWorld.
- BigStrategies The Price
of Peace is abundance for all. See how we can meet the basic
human needs and fulfil the basic human rights of ALL humanity—while
regenerating the environment and greening the global economy. See
the chart, data and book.
- BigInternships Interested
in working with BigPictureSmallWorld? Send us an email and let us
know who you are, what you are doing and what you want to be doing.
Internships are unpaid, involve research and are tailored to your
interests and capabilities.
- BigBlog Big
picture explorations, thinking, ideas, designs, concepts, patterns,
systems, principles and purpose
Have fun!