The BigPictureSmallWorld Movies

Where Are We?





Climate Change
Climate Sayings

How serious is climate change? What do the experts think? What do you think? Are there solutions— things we can do that will make a real difference?
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Leadership 101Eliminating Hunger

Can hunger be eliminated from the world? How? By when? What would it take? What can you do? See how this eleven-pronged strategy could eliminate hunger, famine and malnutrition from the world by 2025.
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Leadership 101Leadership 101: Youth

Can young people make meaningful contributions to society? Can the world make it if they don't? Youth don't have to wait to be leaders. Leadership is about solving problems, taking initiatives, and using power in constructive ways. See what you can do! view | buy

BigPictureSmallWorld MovieBigPictureSmallWorld Movie

How typical is your life . . . if you live in the U.S. . . . if you're a person of color . . . if you own a computer? If there were only 100 people in the world what would the world look like?
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Half Full/Half EmptyHalf Full/Half Empty

Is the world in serious trouble? Are we on the verge of disaster? Or are things better than ever? You be the judge. . . .to see how the angle we view things at can shape our reality.
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Environment in 10 Seconds (UNEP)Environment in 10 Seconds (UNEP)

What happens in our environment in 10 seconds? You'll be amazed. . . . This is the second movie we have done for the United Nations Environmental Programme. It was premiered as the curtain raiser at their recent Environmental Ministers meeting at UNEP headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya.
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World in 10 SecondsWorld in 10 Seconds

What happens in our world in 10 seconds? You'll be amazed. . . . This movie gets you involved like no other movie you have ever seen. It is guaranteed to make you appreciate what can happen in a brief period of time.
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Increasing HumanityIncreasing Humanity

This movie takes a fresh approach to the critical subject of population. As its title suggests, the movie deals with the growth of population in the world, both in a quantitative and qualitative sense. It points out there is a “race between education and catastrophe” as more and more people, and their needs, come into the world. Can our growing capacities as a result of this increase in population win the race? As our numbers increase does our humanity—our empathy with the rest of our fellow beings also increase?
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BigPicture CodaBigPicture Coda

A poetic statement about seeing the big picture. This movie offers some insight into the nature of big picture thinking.
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Winning PeaceWinning Peace2

What is war? What is peace? Released in 2004 just before the U.S. went to war in Iraq and viewed by over 1 million people in it's first month on the web, this movie looks at what war really does . . . and doesn't do, and how to win peace. view in English | ver en español | buy

Some Things Do Not ChangeSome Things Do Not Change

Some things do not change . . . or do they? If leaders manage or create change, then this movie and its Facilitator's Guide are a must.
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Let's Make It So (UNEP)Let's Make It So (UNEP)

Poverty is the most toxic element known to humanity. The United Nations Environmental Programme commissioned BigPictureSmallWorld Inc. to produce this movie. Learn about the environment and what we need to do to make it better.
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AmericaAmerica America

There is a war going on for the soul of America. Will it be the America of fear, afraid of losing what it never had, or the America of longing, striving for ideals, the America the world used to respect and be inspired by? America as metaphor for any country, religion, organization—and you.
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