Man at marketBigPictureSmallWorld

The bigger the picture the smaller the world

BigPictureSmallWorld! Ready or not. This program involves the audience as it deals with globalization—the most powerful force shaping our culture, economy, and lives. The globalization-generation audience comes away entertained, but also with an array of astonishing facts and new perspectives. Globalization is transformed from cliche to useful tool for understanding the world and our expanding opportunities. A remarkable synthesis of global information and perspectives from someone who wrote his first book on global events in 1975—and his latest in 2005.  

Audience-involving activities pack the event. They are fun, exploratory, and learning-packed including:

  • Globalization Gestation (where everyone draws a picture of the past, present and future of the world in 60 seconds);
  • GloballyGook (where everyone lists the three most important problems facing the world; also known as the GlobalGrumble);
  • Globalony (where we explore what's true and not in globalizations bag of tricks);
  • You're In Charge (where everyone learns they are in charge of a giant spacecraft— one so large that they didn't realize they were even on a spacecraft);
  • Globalization Avocation (where what we want the world to be becomes visible and plausible; sometimes referred to as Globalization Elation): and then there is always the . . .
  • Global Launch where the entire audience launches a paper airplane at the same time, filling the air for a few magical moments with the visions, values and dreams of everyone in the room.

Students come away with an increased understanding of their world and what they can do to participate in making it a better place.

For more information and booking:  or call 610.566.0156 or schedule a program