CONTEXT: Introduction
"A map of the world which doesn't include Utopia isn't even worth glancing at." —Oscar Wilde
“You can no longer save your family, tribe or nation. You can only
save the whole world.”
—Margaret Mead, anthropologist
A World of Abundance for All: Scene 1
What would it look like?
All of humanity—every child, woman, and man in every country in the world—has,
on a sustainable basis, abundant supplies of nutritious and culturally
appropriate food and clean water. All live in more than adequate housing
complete with sanitation facilities and clean running water. Energy is
abundant in supply, as well as clean, safe, and affordable. Each person
has access to local comprehensive health care and the latest advances
of medical science. Literacy is universal, as are opportunities for advanced—college
level—education, and access to the Internet. Communication and transportation
facilities are readily available and affordable, so that anyone can communicate
with anyone else on Earth who wants to be communicated with, and people
can travel anywhere they want to go. Employment opportunities and fulfilling
work—including vocational alternatives, re-training, and on-the-job-training—are
available to all.
Borders are open, free of trade and emigration restrictions, subsidies,
and other barriers to market-driven economies. All public negotiations
(for example, labor contracts, legislation, and government contracts),
accounting practices, and elections are transparent and open to inspection
by anyone at anytime. All citizens have a significant role in decision-making
processes that affect their lives, and each lives in a peaceful, democratic,
secure world that is free from terror, nuclear, chemical, and biological
weapons, and from crime and health-damaging illegal drugs. Human beings
and other living things inhabit a clean, healthy environment that is free
of toxic wastes, pollution of all kinds, soil erosion, and damaging industrial
and agricultural practices. The biosphere and its resources are self-regenerating,
with humans cooperating to ensure this. Biodiversity is increasing throughout
the world.
Around the globe, strong social incentives foster democracy, personal
initiative, trust, cooperation, respect, and love—and discourage all forms
of torture, degrading treatment, and punishment. Each person is entitled,
on an equal basis, to plead before an independent and impartial tribunal;
each has the right to nationality and to perform public service in one's
own country. Rest and leisure are available to all, and mothers and children
receive special protection, care, and assistance.
Freedoms of speech, of the press, and of religion are the rule everywhere.
All forms of prejudice—against another’s ethnicity, race, religion, origins,
gender, age, sexual preference, or income level—are gone. Every culture
and nation respects and celebrates the unique value of all others, and
provides strong social supports for individuals, families, and communities.
The arts in all forms are widely appreciated and cultivated. Spiritual
growth and fulfillment is the norm for all humanss. [1]
This description of an Abundance for All future is not the fruit
of an individual’s delusions, an overindulged imagination, or wishful
thinking. As described in the Preface, it was synthesized over a twenty-year
period from work with over one thousand groups, each anywhere from 30
to 250 people in size.
Still, I realize the vision sketched here may seem impossible to attain
or naïve to many. That’s understandable, given its ambitious scope: haven’t
governments, civil society, philanthropies and citizens been attacking
these vast problems for generations, with limited success? Don’t news
reports daily, even hourly, remind us of our myriad failures? The pessimist
could cite countless failed attempts at resolving the world’s problems,
from the Middle East and failed nation states, to the continuing presence
of hunger (and homelessness, illiteracy, etc.) in the world despite our
best intentions, to the economic crash and the ongoing destruction of
the environment.
The most specious of these arguments usually cites a flawed “human nature”
as the cause of all our ills—that it is our fate for some us to always
starve to death while the rest of us get to watch it on color television.
This view looks at the inkblot of the state of the world and technology
and sees reflected their fears and an excuse for fatalistic inaction.
Human nature isn’t flawed, our vision of it is. Using our fears as a foundation
for a definition of human nature is like using the 1950’s state of technology
to say we cannot go to the moon. Some people see human nature reflected
in the technology surrounding them and confuse present capability with
future capacity and potential.
It is all too easy to see the glass as half-empty. The world’s tank is
running on empty, our efforts are empty-headed, and we’re doomed to live
with our worst problems for all time.
But a lack of vision doesn’t mean something doesn’t exist, only that some
people can’t see it. Can the glass, in fact, be half full? My conviction
is that the glass is both more than half empty and more than half full.
It all has to do with the angle at which you view the world. For example,
there were 850 million malnourished people in the world in 2007. As bad
as this outrage is, it is mitigated by the “glass half full” information
that this is 100 million fewer than were hungry in 1970 (despite the addition
of 2.3 billion people to the world), and that the world has progressed
from 24 percent of our population malnourished to 13 percent in this time
period. (See Positive Long-term Trends, below.) “Half full” information
emerges when you look at the big picture, and when you include time in
the equation—when, instead of focusing on the single-frame snapshot of
the right now, you watch the movie— and see where things are coming from
and heading towards.
Vast problems can’t be solved with half-vast solutions— and neither can
local solutions be a match for global problems. Our gasoline tanks indeed
may be at or approaching half empty, but the gauges monitoring the sun
and our other sources of energy (and creativity) still indicate “Full.”
The prospects for bringing the Abundance for All vision into
reality are closer than you might think, and this book will explain why.
The following chapters describe a series of technologically feasible,
resource-efficient, cost effective, and environmentally sound strategies
for achieving this abundance for all future—and even more. (See “Price
of Peace: Abundance for All, Scene II” in Conclusions 1 for what
the “more” might look like.) On both a local and global scale, there exist
opportunities for abundance that if pursued will transform our world.
Revealing those opportunities is this book’s task.
I do not confidently predict that the future as envisioned here will come
to be—indeed, there are enormous obstacles to its realization in the form
of entrenched political, cultural, corporate, and special interests. I
would argue, however, that in seeking solutions on any level, it is imperative
to begin with a big picture view, to try to grasp how systems interact
and how their synergy can move the whole forward. To understand our local,
regional and national problems we need to understand the global system
they fit into. To understand the behavior of our hometown, our children,
our local economy, our corporation, our nation, our problems, our criminals,
and our diseases, we need to understand the system that interconnects
them all and that contains them. The world is the relevant unit of analysis
and problem solving. I also contend that a pragmatic vision coupled with
a strong economic argument can move mountains.
Change Model
At the core of any judgments you might make about this book’s vision for
the future and the strategies for getting there is the model for social,
economic, and political change that you use. For example, is the world
like a 250,000 ton oil tanker moving over the ocean at 20 miles per hour,
whose huge mass and momentum mean that it will take three to four miles
to turn and nearly ten miles to stop? (And therefore any change will take
a long time to bring about.) Or should the world be viewed as delicately
balanced on a fulcrum, so that the addition of just a little bit to one
side will bring about a “tipping point” — and a rapid and massive shift?
Personally, I think it is at least both. Some things are teetering on
the tipping point, others are entrenched with their mass and momentum
in slow and inexorable change. What history tells us is that distinguishing
between tipping point and oil tanker models is near impossible, except
in hindsight.
Buckminster Fuller anticipated the tipping point theory with a metaphor
he used in describing the shifting balance between the world’s “haves”
and “have-nots." [5] In
the 1960s he calculated that about 45 percent of the world could be classified
as “haves” and 55 percent as “have-nots,” and he contended that when 50
percent of the world became haves we would reach a critical, and dangerous,
transition point. He noted that the most dangerous times for an airplane
were at take-off and landing—when making the transition from a land-based
craft to an aircraft and vice-versa. At some point the plane successfully
takes off, runs out of runway, or lifts off only to crash back to the
earth. Similarly, the time when 48 percent to 60 percent of the world
were haves and 52 percent to 40 percent were have-nots would be a critical
and dangerous transition period for the world. Fuller’s thesis was that
once more than 50 percent of the world reached the “have” stage, it would
become quickly apparent that we needed to bring all of humanity along
to this stage—or else risk crashing the craft.
There is also the added danger that the tipping point can work in both
directions and with other systems. Without attending to the foundations
of our civilization— our environmental life support systems— our successes,
if any, will be fleeting, our increased well-being and peace insecure,
our future, in doubt and with less hope. If the environment is undermined,
damaged, or overloaded enough, it too can tip, and tip rapidly in directions
that will have dire consequences for humans. For example, according to
a Pentagon study “global warming, rather than causing gradual, centuries-spanning
change, may be pushing the climate to the tipping point. Growing evidence
suggests the ocean-atmosphere system that controls the world’s climate
can lurch from one state to another in less than a decade…” [6] Such
possibilities reinforce the need for positive visions and actions that
move the world, both our human made and natural worlds, in the directions
that support, nourish and regenerate life.
Although I can’t predict the future, my conviction that the Abundance
for All vision can be realized is based a number of premises. These
grew out of my work with Buckminster Fuller; my somewhat fanatical accumulation
and analysis of global socio-economic and environmental data from the
UN and all its various branches, the World Bank, governmental agencies,
and nearly every think tank and research institute I could unearth; my
work in developing, testing, and running the global simulation World Game®
for hundreds of clients around the world, including many of the world’s
largest corporations, as well as governments, universities and organizations;
my work in Tanzania on regenerative food systems; and my long term study
of what I call “BigPicture” trends and economics. On top of this, I have
a strong bias towards grounding my statements in hard numbers that can
turn the qualitative speculation into quantitative reality. I have based
much of the book on the following premises, from which I argue for a rationally
optimistic, reasonably hopeful, more-than-half-full view of what is possible:
1. The pace of change is accelerating and the world is moving quickly
toward a number of major tipping points. The world is changing and
changing fairly rapidly. I contend that many, if not most, of the strategies
for change proposed in this book are tipping point changes—and that once
some of these changes are taking place, they will, like falling dominos,
bring about the critical tipping points of the other proposed changes.
Some things are changing very rapidly while others are going
even faster. History and historical process is loaded with examples of
profound technological, economic and social change brought about by new
opportunities—even in the face of deeply entrenched opposition. In fact,
in some instances it is the opposition to change that helps make such
non-zero sum or cooperative outcomes come about. [3] The more some changes are resisted,
the faster and bigger is the ultimate breakthrough that comes crashing
in— as in the former Soviet Union’s resistance to democratic and market
forces that crashed their system with such breathtaking speed in 1989.
It is also my conviction that these cascading tipping points will not
be without some disasters, as at least a few 250,000 ton, 20 mph tankers
of entrenched power and special interest collide with known but tragically
unseen icebergs of global economics and culture. As a less disastrous
consequence, the entrenched oligarchies and power structures that are
resistant to change that they perceive as a threat to their position will
get swept away (sooner or later)— like IBM almost was in the face of the
PC revolution, like centralized command and control economic systems in
the face of decentralized open market economies, or the buggy whip manufacturer
in light of the horseless carriage.. [2]
2. What the world wants, the world will get. Anything that enough
people want has an overwhelming tendency to happen. Whether it is a “throw
the bums out” election, the passing of environmental legislation, or the
ending of a genocidal war, the more people who want the end result, the
greater are the chances of it happening. Billions of informed people will
get what they need and want, no matter what their governments do or don’t
do to help or thwart their efforts. Understanding what the people of the
world want will help in predicting where the world is heading better than
any prognostication, crystal ball gazing, scenario planning or trend extrapolation.
What the world wants is the most powerful forecasting tool available to
the futurist, economist, political theorist, policy analyst or global/local
citizen. As will be seen in Chapter 1, what the world wants is the
Abundance for All vision of the future made real.
3. Economics is on the side of making the world work for everyone.
The least-cost, most profitable path to the future goes right through
the core of thee Abundance for All vision. As Conclusion
demonstrates, there are enormous opportunities (and straightforward methods
and business models) for corporations to get involved in meeting the needs
of the developing world in sustainable and profitable ways. The four billion
people at the base of the global economic pyramid spend over $2 trillion
per year. Seen properly, the problems of the world are actually markets
waiting to be satisfied, and the corporations that survive in the intensely
competitive world of the future will be those who figure out how to expand
into these emerging markets.
4. Present day technology and known resources can meet the world’s
needs. The world doesn’t need the invention of a fantasy fusion power
device or the discovery of a Saudi Arabian-size oil field under Philadelphia
to meet our energy needs. Present day renewable energy sources coupled
with off the shelf energy conservation technologies and techniques can
do the job. The same goes for meeting our food, water, materials and other
needs. As enjoyable as science fiction is, science and technological fact
will get us where we want to be.
5. Long-term trends are positive. Although the snapshot view of the world is filled with bad news, even horror, there are longer-range trends showing that things are getting better on many fronts. They rarely show up in our news media, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t real. In addition to the malnutrition example noted above, the accompanying sidebar details many improvements in areas of health (especially), nutrition, education, and the environment.
6. Globalization, and what it is becoming, is perhaps the most profound
and influential phenomenon of our age. It will shape the future world
and all our strategies for making that world better. Globally, as more
and more people become literate and better educated, and as the means
for these people to be better informed about the world and simultaneously
in touch with each other grows, the prospects for getting what the world
wants goes up. Globalization should be understood as more than just a
global economy to be exploited by the fastest, smartest, or most powerful.
It encompasses and balances the needs and capacities of the global economy
with environmental factors, local cultures, values, and visions; these
interactions produce a synergy that drives the world closer to what it
6. As humankind grows in number, both our capacities and our essential
humanity grow along with it. Quantitative increases can lead to qualitative
transformations. We must learn to regard each new human added to the planet
as a creative resource rather than a burden. And one of the consequences
of an emerging global society is an increase in empathy for our fellow
humans. As we become more aware of our entwined fates, our knowledge and
sense of kinship with others of our species is on the rise.
“Ethics is knowledge of interdependence.” —Aldo Leopold
The greater premise overarching all these is the world’s capacities can
be greatly enlarged through the interaction of forces and systems within
the big picture. Without a good understanding of the system the local,
regional and national system fits into, the problems and opportunities
facing each leader will not be understood from a perspective that makes
these problems solvable or the opportunities realizable. The future for
these people will be defined by the problems and limitations of the present
rather than by its own possibilities and capacities. They will continue
to muddle towards a future clouded by lack of vision, hamstrung by limited
options, constrained to a status quo that considers fundamental inadequacy
is an acceptable way of life. Most dangerously, they will continue to
deal with global problems with local solutions that treat symptoms rather
than expand capacities.
We need a better vision, a better way. The increasing humanity of the
world— the increase in the number of humans in the world, our inter-linkages,
connections, and growing empathy for each other— plus what we collectively
want for ourselves and our loved ones is a good guide for this vision.
Increasing the world’s capacity to provide ever-higher standards of living
for all its inhabitants while simultaneously regenerating the environment
are good clues as to where we need to be going. Those who recognize and
act on the vision of what the world wants will be in tune with the larger
system, the big picture; they can avoid the dangers and take advantage
of the opportunities afforded by the inexorable flows of globalization.
Whether it is through design or disaster, reaching a tipping point or
colliding with an iceberg, decision or avoidance, change is going to happen;
if we are smart we will choose how we want to control or respond to it.
In the parlance of change theory, avoiding the decision or choice is itself
a choice. On a more fundamental and personal level, we can’t avoid getting
involved with the transformation of the world. Everything we choose to
do, every dollar we spend, is a “vote” for what we purchased and against
what we did not; it is a vote for some form of lifestyle, resource use,
technology, and moral vision.
As more ever more people in the world become better educated (something
that is happening rapidly [7] ),
the more informed will be our personal and collective decisions. With
the increasing intelligence and access to information and communications
is where I put my money and my hope. As we collectively become more informed
about what is possible, we approach the point where what we all want tips
the world in that direction.
The vision that began this Introduction could happen, and the following
chapters describe how it could be implemented with present day technology
and known resources. I want it to happen—but I am neither delusionally
enamored with it to the extent that I exclude the logical probabilities
of our present day world, nor am I expecting a miracle.
The abundance for all vision will be realized only when we make it happen.
Unless a critical number of people reach a general understanding, the
tipping point won’t be reached. Unless enough intelligent, motivated,
energetic, impatient, and persistent people recognize the vision as immensely
desirable, understand what is needed to bring it about, and most importantly
act accordingly, then nothing other than the trees used for the paper
to make this book will be impacted. Unless enough people, acting alone
and in concert, get involved with local, state, and national political
and social change processes, international agencies, civil societies,
corporate enterprise, personal diplomacy, sustainable lifestyle choices,
as well as taking other steps yet to be invented, we will not make it
to the desired future, but to some other spot defined by a default of
moral vision, intelligent design, and compassionate action. In other words,
we need to get involved with creating our future and make it happen. Anything
less and we choose to let the future belong to the status quo.
Positive Long Term Trends
• Life Expectancy up nearly 40%: Life expectancy has gone up in every country in the world.
Global life expectancy has gone up 35% since 1950. From 48
years in 1950 to 66.7 in 2001. [1]
Such an awesome increase is unprecedented since life began on this
planet. (China's life expectancy increase has been even more dramatic:
In 1930, life expectancy in China was 24; in 2000 it is close to
70— a three-fold increase in two generations.)
[1] The description
of the future was synthesized by the author over a twenty-year period
from over one thousand groups of anywhere from 30 to 250 people each in
size. Each group answered the question: What do you want the world
to look like in twenty-years? Adding the members of all the groups
together resulted in over 200,000 people combining their collective expertise
to answering that question..
[2] Other examples of such
relatively peaceful change (in disparate fields) include the U.S.S.R.
in the face of open market economic competitiveness; the continuing rapid
change in the computer hardware industry in the face of each new microchip
generation; the U.S. motor vehicle industry in the face of imported fuel-efficient
cars in the 1970s; the change in U.S. cultural norms in the face of civil
and women's rights movements.
[3] Robert Wright, Non-Zero:
The Logic of Human Destiny, (New York, Pantheon Books, 2000).
[4] There are many other models of change and
our world. Biological models, given the complexity and interconnections
of the world are usually more fruitful tools to use in explaining and
predicting social and other interactions. The complex and dynamic homeostatic
interrelationships that characterize living systems make them useful for
modeling today's complexity. Virus contagion is a biological model of
how complex living systems can suddenly tip. The living systems which
we are both a part and embedded within, hold us— tipping points,
tankers and ice bergs— together in a complex dance. Life,
and our problems, is rarely as simple as mechanical models suggest them
to be— yet they are also not so infinitely complex that corrective
action is impossible.
[5] Fuller based his observations
on energy use per capita.
[6] David Stipp. "The
Pentagon's Weather Nightmare," (Fortune Magazine, February
9, 2004, p.101).
[7] Global literacy rates
have increased by 50% since 1970
8] UNDP, Human Development
Report 2003, (New York, UNDP, 2003, p. 240).
9] The World Bank, Human Development Report
2002, Human Development Indicators, p.50
[10] ibid.
[11] UNDP, Human Development Report 2003, p.212; and "Jabs for babies in hot places"
(The Economist,
April 28, 2001, p. 46).
[12] Cohen, Joel E. "Population Growth
and Earth's Human Carrying Capacity" (Science Vol. 269, July 21, 1995).
[13] Vital Signs 2003, (Washington
DC, Worldwatch Institute, 2003, p. 66).
[14] UNDP, Human Development Report 2003, (New York, UNDP, 2003, p. 212).
[15] World Development Report 2003, (The World Bank, Washington DC, 2003, p. 6).
[16] UNESCO Yearbook, UNESCO.
[17] World Development Report 2003, (The World Bank, Washington DC, 2003, p. 6).
[18] UNICEF Annual Report 1996
[19] United Nations Population Division
in UNICEF Annual Report 1996; 2001 data from Human Development Report
[20] ibid. and WHO, Removing Obstacles
to Healthy Development (Geneva, WHO, 1999, p. 7).
[21] ibid.
[21] United Nations Confronting
New Challenges: Annual Report on the Work of the Organization, 1995, UNICEF
Annual Report 1996
[22] ibid.
[23] WHO, Removing Obstacles to Healthy
Development (Geneva, WHO, 1999, p.24)
[24] WHO, "Malaria 1982-1997,"
[25] WHO, Removing Obstacles to Healthy
Development (Geneva, WHO, 1999)
[26] Vital Signs 2003, (Worldwatch
Institute, 2003, p. 28).
[27] FAO, in Bjorn Lomborg, The Skeptical
Environmentalist, (Cambridge University Press, 2001p. 61).
[28] United Nations Confronting New Challenges:
Annual Report on the Work of the Organization, 1995, UNICEF Annual Report
[29] Bjorn Lomborg, The Skeptical Environmentalist,
(Cambridge University Press, 2001, p. 61).
[30] FAO AGROSTAT database, accessed in 2000.
[31] World Bank Food Index, in Bjorn Lomborg,
The Skeptical Environmentalist, (Cambridge University Press, 2001p.
[32] UNICEF 1996 Annual Report
[33] UNDP, Human Development Report 2003, (New York, UNDP, 2003, p. 257).
[34] World Development Report 2003, (The World Bank, Washington DC, 2003, p. 6).
[35] UNDP, Human Development Report 2003, (New York, UNDP, 2003, p. 257
[36] UNDP, Human Development Report 1997, (UNDP, New York, 1998).
[37] World Development Report 2003, (The World Bank, Washington DC, 2003, p. 7).
[38] World Development Report 2004 (The World Bank, Washington DC 2004),
has slightly different figures for a different time frame: from 1981 to
2001 extreme poverty dropped almost in half, from 40 to 21 percent
of global population; extreme poverty dropped by 400 million, from 1.5
billion people in the world to 1.1 billion.
39] Bjorn Lomborg,
The Skeptical Environmentalist, (Cambridge University Press,
2001p. 72).
[40] Ibid. p. 77.
[41] World Development Report 2003, (The World Bank, Washington DC, 2003, p. 7).
[42] "Rich man, poor man," (The
Economist, September 27, 2003, p. 39).
[43] World Development Report 2003, (The World Bank, Washington DC, 2003, p. 6).
[44] Vital Signs 2003, (Worldwatch
Institute, Washington DC, 2003).
[45] Ibi
[46] World Development Report 2003, (The World Bank, Washington DC, 2003).
[47] Center for Defense Information,
48] World Conservation Monitoring
Centre, Cambridge, UK.
[49] "World Heritage Site" is a
UNESCO designation for cultural or natural sites considered to be of outstanding
value to humanity.
[50] Vital Signs 2003, (Worldwatch
Institute, 2003, p. 52).
[51] State of the World 1995,
(Worldwatch Institute, Washington DC, 1995).
[52] Vital Signs 2003, (Worldwatch
Institute, 2003, p. 38).
[53] U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
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